It is possible to learn everything you need to know about couponing and saving money on groceries utilizing resources on the internet. If you spend some time clicking around on my site and visiting some of the links on the right hand side of this blog, you can find what you need. And I would love for you to do that. That being said…
I often receive requests to teach classes when people see me coupon at the grocery store, or they hear about the money my family saves with stockpiling and couponing. As a former English teacher and Jazzercise instructor, I just can’t resist the opportunity to teach others the great things I’ve learned about slashing grocery and drugstore expenses. So, if you don’t have time to do your own research or you prefer to learn this information from a live person who will answer your questions, I have great news for you.
Beginning in March, I will be available to help you host a class in your home. Here is how it works:
- You decide that you want to have a party and send me an email at [email protected]
- We decide on a date and you send out invites or e-vites to all your friends
- Your party can be as elaborate or simple as you prefer (snacks, no snacks, lots of people, few people)
On the day of the party:
I will come to your home and share with you and your friends how to dramatically cut grocery store expenses (with or without coupons). I’ll show you how to organize coupons, find the best sale/coupon matches, and understand the store policies. When you leave, you will be ready to save at all the local grocery and drug stores. You will have the skills to coupon like the women you see on T.V. or the internet. I will also be available to answer follow-up questions via email. To top it off, we will have some fun giveaways!
Fee Structure: There is a flat fee of $100 for all classes to be paid by the hostess before the party begins. This fee structure allows you to determine how much you personally pay for the class. For instance:
- You could invite 9 friends and split the cost evenly (including yourself) and pay $10 each
- You could invite 5 friends, charge them each $20 and the class would be free for you (don’t feel bad, you’re doing the leg-work of arranging the class)
- Best of all, you could invite some paid guests to split the cost with and then invite a few friends who may be struggling financially at no charge ( I would especially like you to consider inviting single moms that you may know)
Please contact me if you have any questions or you would like to book a party.